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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

About Carsoe

Carsoe, a Danish company, has been designing and manufacturing products for the food industry since 1976. More than 40 years of experience in stainless steel products give the company the ability to produce high-quality container picking and feeding systems, conveyor belts, vertical screw conveyors, hoists and loaders, portioning devices, trolleys and containers. The manufacturer has complete control of the entire process, from product development to production, distribution and after-sales service. Carsoe is a leading player in the equipment market covering three different segments of the food industry: seafood, food, dairy. Carsoe is headquartered in Aalborg, Denmark, with subsidiaries in the US and Norway. Today, the company's products are exported to 34 countries.

Carsoe products 


Container supply systems

The wide product range allows Anytray to feed any type of container for filling and packaging various products. Anytray can feed virtually any tray, regardless of shape, material or size, at a speed of over 120 trays per minute. It integrates easily into existing production and packaging lines, has few moving parts, low running costs and is easy to switch between different tray sizes. 


Equipment for the fish industry

The company produces complete seafood processing plants for use on board ship or ashore. The lines include conveyor systems, shrimp processing machines, automatic plates, packaging equipment, and palletizing systems. Also seafood humidification and freezing systems. The high technical expertise gained from equipping more than 200 trawlers with Carsoe plants enables the company to continuously improve ready-made solutions and offer lines to suit the individual requirements of each trawler.


Stainless steel tanks

Carsoe is the market leader when it comes to design and manufacture of stainless steel tanks for the food and pharmaceutical industries. The Beritech product range has been developed based on more than 20 years of experience and includes storage tanks, process tanks, energy tanks, pressure tanks, vacuum tanks, sterile tanks up to 500 m3. All the manufactured solutions are fully hygienic and contain a declaration of conformity which confirms that they can be sold in Europe.


Lifting and handling equipment

We offer standard and customised solutions in the field of lifting and handling equipment. The equipment is made of stainless steel and is designed to handle vessels with a capacity of up to 350 kg. Designed for use in the food industry, the products include solutions for low and high unloading heights and mainly consist of three product groups: forklifts with swivelling vessel, lifts with one and two columns. It has a mechanical system that prevents the vessel from falling.

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